prayer of a lost soul

prayer of a lost soul
in the name of the... amen. bless oh... my family.. guide them that they may continue to follow your will and remain under your care and undying love.. give them the strength to surpass all the trials that you have prepared for them.. bless them with good health and a good life.. my friends.. give them your wisdom in dealing with all their struggles.. shower them with your blessings as they remain faithful in your words by enlightening lost souls like me.. may they find enough courage to fight for their causes, whatever that may be.. and.. punish me... for everything i have done wrong.. burn me in the flames of hell and crush my selfish dreams.. i am a sinner.. unworthy of your graces.. let your will be done.. i love you.. ...amen. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Monday, August 10, 2009

mixed emotions

sometimes, things happen so fast that our mechanisms control every bit of our being.. subconsciously, we do things we don't normally do and we'll just be surprised to find ourselves lying half-dead beside a cliff..

sometimes, we find relief in cursing.. in sarcasms.. every little letter, music!

sometimes, we want to blame others not just for the injuries and the loss but moreso for the pains.. the heartaches.. the sobs..

this time, can we not, even just for once, magnify the same? a little bolder. and worst!


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  2. logan,

    from the start i never hated you. i think i have extended my efforts into knowing and befriending you.. but it was you who doesnt want me in so i gave up..

    the gravity lies from the fact that you have literally told my friend's parent those things that should be kept between the two of you! its YOUR memories man! kung pwede nga lang it should be wrapped in a lovely veil pa for keeping.. its so unmanly for me.

    the cursing? i can let it pass..

    other than that, its plain metaphor.

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  4. at times no matter how we wanted to keep it to ourselves, the angst and pains we feel inside, they will just naturally show in our words and in our actions...but the best thing really to do is whom??...where???...i could sense that there are times you don't want to burden your friends and even to your partner with these excess baggages but i know, they are more than willing to share your with your woes, your anxieties and whatever that is boggling your mind...perhaps you don't want to impose (for they have their own concerns as well) or afraid to loosen up with them...but one best way, i have learned as i go through these harsh realities of life, i have learned to humble myself before God. I poured out all, everything unto Him and i was released with all these negative feelings i i came to realize that all you need really is the strength and the courage to face Him and talk to Him. In everything, HOPE is the last one to die... It may sound cliche to you, but TRUST Him, you have nothing to lose. His amazing and abounding grace is sufficient for your needs. I may sound annoying but we are all pilgrims...we keep on searching the real WHO we are in ourselves. I salute your openness and candidness but man you are one hell of strong character. You are on the right're 26 and you are at he best days of your the premium stage...keep focused..this is unsolicited but you already knew your are working on your future...building friendships...experiencing the best love ever (the reason and real essence of who you really are), so, clear you mind with all the bullshits that that give doubts and insecurities and stay happy. So many people around loves you so much and dearly...Go and conquer the wold, you've got it takes. I know you know that!!!
