prayer of a lost soul

prayer of a lost soul
in the name of the... amen. bless oh... my family.. guide them that they may continue to follow your will and remain under your care and undying love.. give them the strength to surpass all the trials that you have prepared for them.. bless them with good health and a good life.. my friends.. give them your wisdom in dealing with all their struggles.. shower them with your blessings as they remain faithful in your words by enlightening lost souls like me.. may they find enough courage to fight for their causes, whatever that may be.. and.. punish me... for everything i have done wrong.. burn me in the flames of hell and crush my selfish dreams.. i am a sinner.. unworthy of your graces.. let your will be done.. i love you.. ...amen. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Friday, May 8, 2009

dont get me wrong..

while waiting for my partner in the parking area of a certain mall here in bcd the other night, the car parked right beside ours caught my attention.. posted in front of the car was a sticker which reads: JESUS IS ENOUGH FOR ME.. i am a man of sayings and of quotes that everytime i come across one, i always make it a point that i do understand what it means and negate, even in my mind, if such is objectionable..

im not really that spiritual but i do attend sunday masses.. i can't even say that im morally upright because i am not.. this is no news for everybody.. but to say that such line suits me would be me in the peak of my hypocrisy.. wait wait wait.. don't get me wrong.. let me explain..

i dont want to pollute your minds into thinking that we need to detach ourselves with jesus.. this is not my point here.. it's just that "enough" is such a powerful word to use in such a line.. we need jesus.. this i cannot rebut.. but to rely solely on jesus is way different.. in fact, unacceptable.. even a 2nd grader knows the famous saying "do ur best and god will do the rest.." (nasa diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa).. yes, god is merciful.. but god is also just.. he only answers the prayers of those who deserves his mercy.. his blessings.. god gave us intelligence and wisdom so that we may have the tool in solving our own problems.. when all else fails, then that's the time we pray for his intervention.. isn't that more spiritually and morally logical?

maybe, if i have come across or heard this line from a poor yet happy and contented man, maybe it would have given me a different interpretation.. but seeing this line posted in front of a car parked inside a mall seemed to be a bit misplaced..

just a thought..

p.s. - again, everything i say here is of my personal view which, i believe, i am entitled to.. should you have any opposition, FEEL FREE to make your OWN blog.. signing up is also FEE - FREE! hahaha!
mawnin fellahz!

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